Saturday, September 20, 2008

wiki, Sylvia, Common Craft

Here is rss for my wiki,
I think perhaps we have too many places to upload things. Blog, wiki, ning, netvibes, iLearn. Mulitply this by several classes and it's quickly very confusing to someone already largely confused like myself. I also think deadlines that aren't related to the day class meets are difficult also. I have so many days to upload this or that it's confusing. Welcome to grad school I suppose! It would be nice if the system could remind me when things are due, like my cell phone does. OK, enough rant.

I really enjoyed Sylvia's presentation. How inspiring! I think she should host the learning tools herself and then make the money from all those Google Ads that wetpaint is running on her site. Add to the teacher's income a little! Wonderful enthusiasm and dedication to her work. I find that super-refreshing. Thanks for bringing her to class. I can learn a lot in person from a person's attitude, which might be hard to get from an online experience.

1 comment:

Come and See Africa said...

I am glad to read that Sylvia's presentation was helpful.